
  /*Es werden 3 Sinuskurven programmiert und mit dem Serial Plotter dargestellt.
    Tutorial page: */
  void setup()
    Serial.begin(9600);   //Beachte: Am Serial Monitor muss dieselbe Baudrate eingestellt sein !
  void loop()
    for(int i = 0; i < 360; i += 5) 
      float y1 = 1 * sin(i * M_PI / 180);
      float y2 = 2 * sin((i + 90)* M_PI / 180);
      float y3 = 3 * sin((i + 180)* M_PI / 180);
      Serial.print("\t"); // a space ' ' or  tab '\t' character is printed between the two values.
      Serial.print("\t"); // a space ' ' or  tab '\t' character is printed between the two values.
      Serial.println(y3); // the last value is followed by a carriage return and a newline characters.